Sunday, September 11, 2005

the start of insanity we are my first blog post. I know I should say something epic and inspirational so that you will continue to read this shit, but I really don't care whether you do or I you really need that crap close your eyes and pretend. Ok, so this is pretty much where I am going to go and rant...about my sad and currently pathetic life. Just so your are warned, this is not a touchy-feely-my-life-sucks-so-pity-me-sorta-rant. This is more of a I-need-to-vent-to-someone-or-something-that-is-not-completely-focused-on-themselves-and-only-cares-about-other-people's-problems-because-thats-what-good-people-do-kinda-shit. So this is my initial statement to the masses. I might put poetry, short stories, and the like on here if I feel inspired one day, but I suggest you save yourself some pain and forgo reading any of that crap, because...well, it will be crap. Ok, that's all for now, how I kept my audience rivited.

Always, Jade